A Level Stress and Post Sixth Form

As a lot of students know and have known for a long time... exam season is upon us. For some(including me) it is going on now.

I'm pretty confident that I'm not the only 18 year old in the UK who finds it extremely hard to get into that pattern of revising 3 A Levels with about 100 sub-topics within each topic. I'm also pretty confident that I'm not the only one who cannot wait to finish my two years of studies at sixth form and put these A Levels behind me. 

So what is there to motivate us to revise and work towards gaining good grades?

Well in all honesty, the only thing that's motivating me at the moment is the fear of failure. I don't actually feel like failing subjects that I've worked so hard in for 2 years. 2 years seems like nothing really. Nothing compared to the 5 years we spent in secondary school working towards GCSE's- where you didn't revise and you still came out with a minimum of a C grade. It's not exactly that simple for A Levels, as much as I wish it was. 

Anyway, back to what there is to motivate us. I'm not going to university therefore, I don't actually have a true source of motivation. This is kind of scary considering all of my peers are working towards grades that will determine their life's "fate". Then there's people like me who are floating along hoping that someone or something will hit me in face, helping me to decide what on earth it is I want to do with my life after college. I guess I'm so preoccupied worrying about this issue that all of my focus is going towards this as opposed to worrying about exams. 

My college isn't a bad place at all. The teachers are supportive and I'm fully aware of the support that I can get if I was to ever need it. However saying that, they only seem to be worried about the students who are going to university. Let's face it...not everyone who's studying A Levels is working towards a uni place.

At first, I thought my whole life was planned out before me: get my GCSE's, go to Sixth Form, get my A Levels and study Drama and Theatre at University. Of course, things change. I decided that it wasn't what I wanted as soon as I applied for uni through UCAS. Now, I haven't got a clue what my plans are therefore, exams aren't as important to me any more. 

As I was saying earlier, my only motivation at the moment is the fear of failing. There's no way that's going to happen because I won't let it. Nevertheless, I seem to have developed a true talent in procrastination...

Is there anyone else who's finding the initial act of picking up a pen and paper and starting to revise impossible?

Here's to everyone who has studied A Levels for 2 years and still doesn't know what they're doing after college.

Here's to everyone who is still trying to find the motivation to revise a million topics and has left it till the last minute to do so. 

Saying all of this... I'll insert an inspirational quote to try and get me and everyone else to pick up that paper and pen:

"Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow." 



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